Health Benefits of Sugar Cane Juice

Sugarcane juice is considered an alkaline forming food because of the high concentration of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and manganese in it. Diseases like cancer cannot survive in an alkaline environment and that’s why studies show that it is effective in fighting cancer, especially prostate and breast cancer. It’s rich in iron, magnesium, calcium and other electrolytes so it’s great for dehydration. It helps cure the common cold and other infections and also fights fever as it boosts the body’s protein levels. Besides these, there are a few more great health benefits of sugarcane juice that you should know about.indexsugar-cane-with-arrows

Sugarcane juice has no fats. It is, in fact, a 100% natural drink and has only about 30 grams of natural sugar. Hence, you do not have to add extra sugar for sweetness. Sugar cane is a grass plant of the genus saccharum and has 36 varieties. A mature sugarcane plant can grow up to 30 feet tall and a single sugarcane plant can take 9-24 months to become mature, depending on the climate, variety of sugar cane and the type of soil. Sugar extracted from sugarcane juice contains only 15 calories and an 8-ounce serving of sugarcane juice without any additives has a total of 180 calories, which is quite low. Sugarcane juice is made up of sucrose, fructose, and many other glucose varieties, hence, it is sweet to taste. Raw sugarcane juice contains a total of 13 grams of dietary fibre per serving, which is essential in carrying out a lot of body functions.

Why Sugarcane Juice Is  so Healthy

Sugarcane juice can help in rejuvenating your skin within no time. Sugarcane juice is a good source of alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) like glycolic acid, which helps to increase cell turn over . Also, acne results from blocked skin pores that sugarcane juice helps to remove by exfoliating your skin and thinning down the accumulation of dead cells.indexsugar-cane-juice

Protect Your Skin from Aging

If you are worried about wrinkles that are making you look much older than your age you can delay the signs of aging with the help of sugarcane juice. The presence of antioxidants, flavonoids, and phenolic compounds makes sugarcane juice a good option to achieve glowing, soft, and moisturized skin. Sugarcane juice can help in rejuvenating your skin within no time. Sugarcane juice is a good source of alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) like glycolic acid, which helps to increase cell turn over. Acne results from blocked skin pores that sugarcane juice helps to remove by exfoliating your skin and thinning down the accumulation of dead cells.

Instant Energy Booster

If you are experiencing dehydration, sugarcane juice is one the best sources of instant energy. It is capable of lifting up your spirits and mood within no time leaving you all refreshed and charged. Imagine the benefits of adding it to coconut water. Sugarcane contains simple sugars (sucrose) that are easily absorbed by your body. These sugars are utilized to replenish the lost sugar levels in the body.

Ensures Safe Pregnancyimagescutting-cane

Sugarcane juice has been found to be a great addition to a pregnant woman’s diet. It facilitates quicker conceptions and safer pregnancy. This amazing juice contains trace amounts of folic acid or vitamin B9 that is known to protect from neural birth defects like spina bifida. Research has also discovered that sugarcane juice minimizes ovulating problems in women, thereby increasing chances of conception.

Prevents Bad Breath and Tooth Decay

Bad breath is a major cause for social embarrassment. If you have a history of tooth decay leading to bad breath, you should consider sugarcane juice as a home remedy. Sugarcane contains a host of minerals, such as calcium and phosphorus, which help build your teeth enamel. The consistent flow of nutrients prevents decay and strengthens your teeth. Also, bad breath is another symptom of nutrient deficiency that sugarcane juice helps counter. Hand a piece of sugarcane or a glass of tasty sugarcane juice to every growing child, and you can gladly forget teeth-related and bone-related problems. Sugarcane is an extremely rich source of calcium that helps build your skeletal strength, including bones and teeth. This makes it one of the best ingredients that contribute to a child’s growth.

Cures Febrile Disorder

Sugarcane juice is known to be extremely beneficial for curing instances of febrile disorders that are extremely common in growing kids. Febrile disorders are notorious for causing fevers with high temperatures. They cause protein loss, thus making it a risk for the body. Sugarcane juice is known to replenish this loss of protein.

Aids Liver Functioningimagessugar-cane-knobs

Sugarcane juice is regarded as one of the best treatments for liver-related sicknesses like jaundice. All you need is a glass of sugarcane juice and a dash of lime. Drink this twice a day. Jaundice occurs due to poor functioning of the liver as well as clogged bile ducts. Sugarcane juice maintains the glucose levels in your body and ensures speedy recovery. Also, being alkaline in nature, sugarcane juice helps maintain electrolyte balance in your body, and thus stops your liver from going into overdrive.

Acts as a Digestive Tonic

If you have been suffering from digestive distress, you should consider including sugarcane juice in your diet for a healthier and stress-free life. Potassium, present in sugarcane juice, helps balance the pH levels of your stomach and facilitates the secretion of digestive juices.

Combats Cancer

This might come as a surprise to you, but sugarcane juice can also be a comprehensive deterrent to fatal diseases like cancer, especially prostate and breast cancer. Recent research has discovered that the presence of flavonoids in sugarcane inhibits the multiplication of cancerous cells in the mammary glands, thus reducing risks of breast cancer.

Helps Control Diabetes

Is sugarcane juice good for diabetics? If you think sugarcane juice is a bad choice just because you are suffering from diabetes, then you are wrong. Sugarcane can, in fact, be consumed by people with diabetes, but in moderation. Sugarcane contains sucrose that has a low glycaemic index. This helps to keep your blood sugar levels in control.

Treats Sore Throat

If you feel a sudden itching or irritation in your throat, drink a glass of sugarcane juice with a dash of lime and black salt to soothe it. Vitamin C is found abundantly in sugarcane juice and is the main reason that makes it a good remedy for a sore throat. Sugarcane juice is also a rich source of antioxidants that ward off any viral or bacterial infections.index-young-cane-field

Heals Wounds

Other than boosting your immunity, sugarcane juice also helps in speeding the recovery of wounds. Sugarcane juice contains sucrose that is naturally capable of healing any kind of wound in a small span of time. You can also dab some sugarcane juice over the wound for better results.

Strengthens Body Organs

Regular consumption of sugarcane juice assists in strengthening the main organs of your body so that they can work in synergy with your other organs. Since sugarcane juice is full of essential sugars which help strengthen the sensory organs, reproductive organs, and the brain.

Prevents DNA Damage

Sugarcane juice can protect you from radiation-induced DNA damage that can affect your brain and all the cells in your body. It is full of antioxidants that prevent the oxidative degradation of cellular fats and lipids and control DNA damage. This is very important in these days of increased radiation.

Aids Weight Loss

Even though it is sweet, sugarcane juice can help you shed a few extra pounds. Sugarcane juice is known to reduce the bad cholesterol in our body, which is one the main reason for weight gain. It is also high in soluble fibre which helps manage weight and provide food for the good bacteria which make up a large part of our immune system.

Eliminates Toxins from Your Body

Having sugarcane juice on a regular basis helps in cleansing the body of harmful toxins and other foreign elements and boosts your metabolism. This detoxification process gradually leads to weight loss and improved liver function.

Beneficial In Treating UTI

Sugarcane juice helps maintain kidney health and prevents problems associated with Urinary Tract Infections (UTI). Drink a glass of sugarcane juice mixed with lemon and coconut water twice a day as an effective cure for UTI. Sugarcane juice is known to increase the protein levels in the body. This prevents many kidney-related diseases like stones, UTI, STDs, and prostatitis. It also relieves the burning sensation that accompanies these disorders.sugar-cane-20834122

Good for Nail Health

Do you have discoloured and brittle nails that need to be camouflaged with a variety of nail arts and paints? Try having sugarcane juice to combat this problem. The lack of nutrients makes our nails lifeless and brittle. Since sugarcane juice is full of nutrients, it nourishes your nails and makes them healthy.

Increases Muscle Power

Having sugarcane juice twice a day is known to increase your muscle power by providing much-needed glucose to the body. You may not know this, but sugarcane juice is actually helpful in treating fever. Drinking sugarcane juice can prevent protein loss, which may lead to weakness and pain.

Treats Acidity

Since sugarcane juice is alkaline in nature, it can soothe acidity and burning in your stomach and intestines. It also helps maintain the acid-base balance in our body.

Boosts Our Immunity

Sugarcane juice is full of essential antioxidants that help in strengthening our immune system. These antioxidants strengthen the immune system enabling it to fight against a number of diseases, including those of the liver and digestive system. These antioxidants also neutralize the bilirubin levels in the body.

One of the best parts of sugarcane juice is that it can be blended with any other juice to form a very tasty cocktail.
You can mix sugarcane juice with..pomegranate juice, watermelon juice, coconut water or musk melon juice


When you are purchasing large stalks of sugar cane, it is best to cut them into smaller pieces so that you can refrigerate them. Make sure you rinse the stalks thoroughly and wait till they are completely dry before keeping them in the refrigerator. Also, wrap each cut end of the stalks with a plastic wrap and securely fix it with an elastic band. This will prevent moisture loss from the stalks and keep them juicy fresh. If proper care is taken, they will be good to go for two weeks.

Consume freshly made sugarcane juice within half an hour as it can spoil fairly quickly. Also, avoid having un-refrigerated juice if it isn’t freshly made. Storing for more than a few hours in the fridge is also not advised.sugarcane-1

Un-sulphured Blackstrap Molasses Health Benefits

No article on sugar cane would be complete without mentioning molasses, a by-product of sugar cane refining. Molasses is considered a super-food due to the many health benefits it brings with it.

Super-foods are considered super because they are more nutrient dense than most other foods. One super-food, un-sulphured blackstrap molasses, is among numerous super-foods receiving little recognition when it should be in everyone’s home. Read on to learn about blackstrap molasses benefits and what this super-food actually is.

Ironically, molasses is the by-product or “waste” from processing sugar cane into un-healthy table sugar. Refined table sugar creates blood sugar and insulin instability while providing no nutrients. It actually robs nutrients, especially minerals, out of the body if consumed enough.

Once sugar canes are harvested, machines are used to press the juice out of the cane. Sugar cane roots go very deep into the soil allowing them to bypass nutritionally depleted topsoil, which has become the norm with mono-culture and chemically induced agriculture.

The juice is boiled then put through centrifugal machinery to convert it into sugar crystals. Sun ripened sugar cane is processed without using sulphur, which makes it ideal for human consumption as opposed to the sugarcane which is harvested early and sulphur is used in its refining. A third boiling is necessary to extract table sugar from sugar cane juice. This produces a thick dark substance known as blackstrap molasses, which is the most nutrient dense of all.
Blackstrap molasses has a low glycaemic index. This means the glucose and carbohydrates are metabolized slowly, demanding less insulin production and stabilizing blood sugar. This results in less lipids or fats being stored in the liver while reducing your risk factor for type 2 diabetes.

Because of its high iron content, many use blackstrap molasses to holistically overcome anaemia. Iron is essential in the creation of red blood cells. In addition to iron, blackstrap molasses contains folate, a natural source for folic acid, along with some other B vitamins, which all combine to form the synergistic mix that promotes red blood cell production.

imagesblackstrapmolasses-2Then there is magnesium in abundance, along with calcium. Magnesium is important for balancing calcium for bone production and energy and is necessary for the smooth function of our nervous system. It is also essential for over 300 metabolic processes and the synthesis of almost all the other minerals and vitamins. Magnesium is also helpful for maintaining heart health. Insufficient magnesium levels can result in muscle spasms, including the heart muscle, which of course relates to arrhythmia or even heart attacks.
Potassium is another mineral abundant in blackstrap molasses. A deficiency in potassium results in weak muscles and is considered a factor in causing arthritis. Potassium also helps maintain a calmly functioning nervous system, boosts heart health, maintains energy levels and reduces blood pressure.

Manganese, a trace mineral, is very high in un-sulphured blackstrap molasses. Manganese ions function with a number of enzymes, and are essential to combating free radicals. Like magnesium, manganese also supports cellular absorption of nutrients, and is beneficial to the nervous system. Other minerals that are abundant are copper and zinc. Zinc has been tagged as the male mineral because it helps support a healthy prostate. Working with zinc, copper helps eliminate oxidation damage.

All the minerals and nutrients of un-sulphured blackstrap molasses are in their natural, balanced form to create a bio-accessible, nutritional synergy unavailable from supplements that are not really food..

Taste Concernsindexmolasses

Un-sulphured blackstrap molasses can be incorporated with many food items as a sweetener despite its distinctive flavour. It works in teas or hot cereals, on pancakes and waffles or dessert items, or used as a glaze for cooking. Some people take right to it. Others, especially those who have taste buds conditioned for years by sugar and artificial sweeteners, find it lacking as a sweetener.

Just like any transition from unhealthy processed “tasty” foods to healthier real foods, taste can be acquired even to a point of wondering why the junk food was consumed with so much relish in the first place! Un-sulphured blackstrap molasses is easily managed as a tonic. Mixing a tablespoon or two of blackstrap molasses with a glass of warm water works well as a mineral tonic. Use this mix three times a day. Restoring or maintaining health through natural whole foods requires a sustained intake over time, but it’s still less expensive than medications or even synthetically derived supplements. And the results are real and permanent without side effects.

Click on the banner on this page. Buy your coconut oil, molasses and other healthy wholefoods and have them delivered to your door within two days.

Disclaimer: The contents of this website are not intended to replace a one to one relationship with your health practitioner nor are they meant as medical advice. You are encouraged to do your own research and make your own decisions in partnership with your medical practitioner.


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