Shungite, a rock deposit found in Russia is the only known natural source of fullerenes on Earth (with the exception of a few meteorites). The rock has been studied extensively by Russian scientists, but only within the last few years has information regarding it has reached the Western world. According to Russian and Ukrainian research, fullerene-rich shungite has the ability to neutralize numerous forms of negative energy. It weakens electromagnetic emissions, essentially providing protection from electromagnetic fields and has also been successfully used for many years in Russia to assist patients with depression, trauma, and other emotional and psychological disturbances.
Fullerenes were brought to the attention of the world when research on them gained the scientists a Nobel Prize. This is because the fullerenes in shungite will cleanse water and then infuse it with a potent healing vibration. Place a handful of shungite stones next to your electronics—like your computer, microwave, mobile phone and television. Also among the list of contaminants it will remove are: bacteria (and other microbes), nitrates, heavy metals, pesticides, volatile organics, pharmaceuticals, chlorine, and fluoride (however, as with other forms of carbon filtration it is not recommended for the removal of fluoride because it becomes burdened so rapidly). Shungite’s benefits and healing powers are said to come from its rare, non-crystalline carbon mineral foundation. It is an amazing stone, said to be around 2 billion years old and one that is beneficial to a healthy life. It is one of the only known natural materials that contain fullerenes, which are powerful anti-oxidants. It has also been credited with healing those who have developed sensitivity to man-made electrical devices. In particular, it is known to help skin complaints, and water infused with it may be used to cleanse problem areas.
Shungite helps in making a connection to the earth, and can be carved into a variety of shapes. This includes spheres or pieces of stone that have been carved into pyramid shapes, as well as pendulums. Any type of shape can be utilized for this purpose. Research indicates there is a decrease in histamine in the bloodstream of those who drink shungite water and a corresponding decrease in allergies. Shungite water also improves the elasticity of the skin and heals many other related skin problems. One of the reasons shungite has the ability to neutralize contaminants is because the fullerenes within its composition can hold a tremendous amount of hydrogen. It is a stone that makes a strong earth star chakra connection, and its ancient heritage means that it brings the ancient earth mystical energy into play. It is both a stone for the base or root chakra and the earth star and it is a strong stone for grounding you to the earth in a similar way to most black stones. Shungite is an extraordinary stone to keep within your aura, and a piece of stone may be used if jewellery is not available.
The energy embodied within this ancient stone is said to absorb and eliminate anything that is a health hazard to human life, and it has active metaphysical properties with strong healing powers. Since this stone was discovered in Russia in the 1700’s, they have been recording amazing results from it and use shungite chips of various sizes to purify water.
Wearing a pendant at the level of the heart chakra brings the stone into contact with a very receptive point and increases its beneficial effect. A necklace of shungite pearls, because of its size, will exercise a powerful effect on the whole energetic body. This is a stone that makes a strong earth star chakra connection, and its ancient heritage means that it brings the ancient earth mystical energy into play. It is both a stone for the base or root chakra and the earth star and it is a strong stone for grounding you to the earth.
Bracelets are also very effective because the wrist is traversed by many meridian lines. They are especially useful for those people who are in contact with a computer mouse or a telephone all day. Bracelets can ward off numbness in the arm.
Earrings, although they are small in size, are useful in protecting the ear from the impact of waves coming from cell phones or cordless phones.
You can also find cloth belts filled with shungite pebbles that can be worn around the waist or on painful or depleted areas. During convalescence they are very effective in restoring lost vitality to the whole body as well as during periods of sustained effort. Although such belts are very effective and invigorating, they are temporary measures and should not be used every day. If you begin wearing a belt, try it first for a few hours and then increase its use by stages. Listen to your body as it knows its own needs and will be able to tell you when you don’t need to wear the belt any more.
Rinse shungite stones thoroughly but without soap, under running water. Put the shungite stones in a glass or enamel container and pour cold water in the following proportions: 100 g of shungite per 1 litre of water. Scientists have stated that in 30 minutes the water will be cleared and will develop antibacterial properties but the best results will come after the water has been left standing with shungite for2 to 3 hours. The water will finally acquire all the medicinal properties in 8 – 10 hours. For therapeutic and preventive purposes it is recommended to drink no more than 250 ml of shungite water per day. It is also recommened that you rinse shungite stones once a month under running water and put them in the sun to recharge. Do not cleanse shungite under running tap water that contains chlorine or other contaminants. Apparently shungite can be used indefinitely.
Shungite stones can be divided into three types depending on the content of carbon in them. Types 2 and 3 are usually called regular shungite and contain from 50 to 90 per cent to 30 to 50 per cent carbon, respectively. All the shaped products on the market like pyramids, spheres, bracelets, etc. are made of regular shungite since it accounts for the majority of shungite found in Karelia and can be easily shaped and polished.
Type I shungite is called noble or elite shungite and contains from 90 to 98 per cent organic carbon. Elite shungite nuggets have shiny silvery surfaces and have a high energetic potential due to the high percentage of carbon. The deposits of elite shungite are extremely scarce and account for less than one per cent of all shungite found. It is usually dug up carefully by individuals while types II and III are more commercially mined. Elite shungite stones appear to be a perfect natural healer and energy stabilizer and are often sold in their original form since they are very fragile. You can have an elite shungite nugget near your working space or a bed while sleeping in order to provide comprehensive protection against geopathic influence or you can have a small elite shungite nugget in your pocket or a small jewellery item to protect yourself from electro-magnetic frequency (EMF) radiation that effect your everyday life. Shungite can be polished and non-polished but still provide the same end results.
Disclaimer: The contents of this website are not intended to replace a one to one relationship with your health practitioner nor are they meant as medical advice. You are encouraged to do your own research and make your own decisions in partnership with your medical practitioner.