Author Archives: admin
Make Room for Mushrooms
Mushrooms are edible fungi with various scientific names and their family name is “Agaricus”. They are essentially Saprophytes, the organisms (plants without chlorophyll) which thrive by extracting nutrients from dead and decaying plant and animal matter. They vary greatly in … Continue reading
Raw vs Cooked
Eating fruit and vegetables raw is sometimes the healthier option. … However, while cooking may cause the loss of some valuable nutrients, like vitamin C, there are some vegetables which offer useful health benefits when they’re cooked. These include carrots, … Continue reading
Natural Ways to Balance Hormones
Hormones are your body’s chemical messengers. They travel in your bloodstream to tissues and organs. They work slowly, over time, and affect many different processes, including metabolism, sexual function, reproduction, mood and much more. Endocrine glands, which are special groups … Continue reading
Shungite the Miracle Stone
Shungite, a rock deposit found in Russia is the only known natural source of fullerenes on Earth (with the exception of a few meteorites). The rock has been studied extensively by Russian scientists, but only within the last few years … Continue reading
Water Water Everywhere
Water, water every where, not a drop to drink. So said the mariner in the poem ,“Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner”. Water is one of the most important substances on earth. All plants and animals must have it to survive. … Continue reading
Healthy Alternatives to Wheat
Wheat today is not the same as many decades ago and today’s wheat was probably the first GMO food. Although it is regarded as a staple food along with rice there are many health issues where the culprit appears to … Continue reading
Meditation is the Key
Meditation is a practice to refine our experience and open a new dimension to our lives. It is a means to tap into a deep source of positive energy and joy. Meditation is relaxation. It is not about concentration, it … Continue reading
Put An End to Sugar Cravings
Sugar in all its forms including fruit, milk, cakes, cookies, ice cream, sweets, and sports drinks, can be damaging when you eat a lot all at once. With the exception of whole, raw fruit, sweet foods tend to offer very … Continue reading
The Many Uses for Garlic
Garlic is closely related to onion, chive, leek, and shallot and has been used by humans for thousands of years. In Ancient Egypt it was used for both culinary purposes and its health and therapeutic benefits. Records indicate that garlic … Continue reading
Black is Beautiful Powerful and Healthy
Green vegetables have long been hailed as the go-to food for good health but dark fruits, vegetables, and grains are nutritional powerhouses too. Their colour comes from anthocyanins, which are plant pigments that may help lower the risks of diabetes, … Continue reading